On this projects slide each project has a description and tags, when a tag is clicked, only the projects with that tag are displayed onscreen. There's also a search input, and if text is entered into it, it will display any projects that contain that search term within its description or tags.
- YBSC Dataset
The Yale Bright Star Catalog is a catalog of all stars with a stellar magnitude of 6.5 or brighter (meaning that they are visible to human eyes). This dataset is the entire Yale Bright Star Catalog formatted into a JSON object ready for developers to use for their own starry project. Data has been cleaned an invalid values have been removed.
Tags: #AJAX, #Dataset, #GitHub, #JavaScript, #JSON, #Stars
Visit YBSC Dataset
- CSS Clock
CSS powered clock that is set to device's timezone, changes colors and rotates polygons based on what time it is. This was created for the Polygon Codepen Challenge, and it was picked by Codepen and featured on the main page.
Tags: #Animations, #Blue, #Black, #Challenge, #Clock, #CodePen, #CSS, #Fun, #Green, #Grey, #JavaScript, #Orange, #Pink, #Polygon, #Purple, #Rotate, #WebApp, #White, #Yellow
Visit CSS Clock
- Rotary Phone
Minimalistic Rotary Phone Web App. Make calls from your computer or phone with this rotary style phone! Created for Circles codepen challenge, and picked by codepen as one of the winners.
Tags: #Animations, #Black, #Challenge, #CodePen, #CSS, #Fun, #Grey, #JavaScript, #Phone, #Rotate, #Rotary, #WebApp, #White
Visit Rotary Phone
- Matrix Calculator
Cyber style calculator with CSS, jQuery, and canvas animations, keydown events so you can use the keyboard, and a matrix effect (enter keys after 10 seconds to see the effect). The searchlight function in the background was created with jQuery animations.
Tags: #Animations, #Black, #Calculator, #CodePen, #CSS, #Diamond, #Fun, #Glow, #Green, #JavaScript, #Matrix, #Rotate, #WebApp
Visit Matrix Calculator
- D3.js Projects
Data Visualization Charts: A collections of charts created with d3.js, svg graphs, and JSON data. Datasets Include US Gross Domestic Production and Doping in Professional Cyclist.
Tags: #AJAX, #Animations, #CSS, #CodePen, #Dataset, #DataVisualization, #D3.js, #Graph, #Green, #JavaScript, #JSON, #Red, #SVG, #White, #Yellow
Visit D3.js Projects
- Coloraise Plugin
A customizable menu plugin that allows user to change colors on your page; menu builds itself according to what you need, meaning that unnecessary menu options will be hidden.
Tags: #Black, #Blindness, #Blue, #CodePen, #Colors, #CSS, #GitHub, #Gradient, #Green, #Grey, #JavaScript, #jQuery, #Menu, #Plugin, #Vision
Visit Coloraise Plugin
- README Text Editor
Create your GitHub README.md file with this markdown previewer created with the compiler Marked.js, and test to see how it will look in the browser.
Tags: #Black, #Blue, #CSS, #CodePen, #Editor, #File, #GitHub, #Green, #JavaScript, #Marked.js, #Mint, #README, #Yellow, #WebApp, #White
Visit README Text Editor
- Radioactive Spider
A radioactive spider loading animation and background function that can be used to load a series of images for image-heavy sites. Created for Stan Lee project.
Tags: #Animations, #Black, #Canvas, #CodePen, #CSS, #Fun, #Glow, #JavaScript, #Lee, #Orange, #Radioactive, #Red, #Spider, #Spiderman, #Stan, #Yellow
Visit Radioactive Spider
- Interactive Rating
A fun, interactive site rating bar, that changes to a different emoji depending on current rating, with preliminary quality assurance testing to prevent XXS attacks (just preliminary QA).
Tags: #Animations, #Assurance, #Bar, #Black, #Blue, #Blur, #CSS, #Form, #Frosted, #Fun, #Glass, #Green, #Pink, #Purple, #Quality, #Rate, #Rating, #Submit, #White, #XSS
Visit Interactive Rating
- WebGL Loading Cube
A WebGL rotating loading cube, that uses CSS animations to change color.
Tags: #Animations, #Black, #Blue, #Canvas, #CSS, #Green, #JavaScript, #Orange, #Pink, #Program, #Purple, #Rotate, #Shader, #Transparent, #WebGL, #Yellow
Visit WebGL Loading Cube